Bank Jobs : Acquiring a bank job and being positioned in the banking industry is one of the most popular career paths for many aspirants. Every year, lakhs of aspirants appear for many banking examinations, i.e., SBI PO, SBI SO, RBI, IBPS, and more, to get a secure and stable place in a reputed banking organisation. Some of the exams are at the national level, and some are at the state level. So, candidates who are preparing for a banking job must read this article till the last section to know the eligibility, salary details, selection procedures & more.
Bank Jobs – Overview
Conducting Body | Various Banking Department |
Job Category | Bank Jobs |
Age Required | 18 – 45 years |
Academic Qualification | Matriculation Senior Secondary Graduate Degree Diploma Engineering Degree & others |
Job Location | Across India |
Selection Process | Written Examination. Medical Examination. Documents verification. Personal Interview |
Basic Starting Salary | Rs. 12000/- per month |
Application mode | Online/ Offline |
Name Of Posts | Various |
Eligibility Criteria – Bank Jobs
- To apply for Clerical Post, candidates should possess matriculation certificate from a recognised Board.
- For any Senior post, candidates have Graduate degree from a recognised university.
- Preferences will be given to the candidates who have statistics, mathematics, economics in background.
- Candidates should be able to speak the local language.
- Candidates minimum age should be in the age group of 18 years, and their maximum age must not be 60 years in order to be eligible for a banking job.
- Age relaxation should followed in accordance with the government rules.
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Designation Offered by Bank
Branch Manager | Senior Banker | Probationary Officer | Assistant Underwriter | Business banker | Credit Assistant |
Clerk | Bankruptcy specialist | Banking associate | Peon | Risk Manager | Debt collector |
Loan Officer | Executive officer | Assistant Treasurer | Portfolio analyst | Cash manager | Data coordinator |
Associate Broker | Loan Manager | Account Analyst | Fraud Specialist | Budget Director | Equity Analyst |
Specialist Cadre Officer | Apprentice | Assistant bank manager | Branch coordinator | Bank teller | Income manager |
Personal banking Manager | Audit officer | Broker | Assistant Manager | Cost manager | Junior Account executive |
Junior Financial associate | Finance director | Foreign Exchange Trader | Funding Manager | Fraud investgator | Foreclosure Specialist |
Loan processor | Loss Prevention officer | Mortgage loan originator | Payroll analyst | Regional director | Field Officer |
Selection Process
The official chose the qualified candidates using a particular way. we have included a list of the basic procedures that the official uses to selecting the candidates.
- Preliminary Examination.
- Main Examination.
- Documents Verification.
- Personal interview.
Salary structure : Bank jobs
In any banking organisation, salaries for experienced candidates remarkably good. The basic starting salary for freshers candidates is Rs. 13500/- per month
FAQs About Bank Jobs
Q. How to apply for Bank jobs ?
Ans. The direct link to apply for latest banking job is provided in this article.
Q. What are the required qualification to apply for Bank job ?
Ans. Candidates having matriculation certificate are eligible to apply for clerk/ peon post.
Q. What are the minimal age requirements to apply for Bank Jobs ?
Ans. The minimal age required for the candidates is 18 years.
Q. What position are available in the Banking Industry?
Ans. Personal banking Manager, Audit officer, Mortgage loan originator, Payroll analyst, Field Officer, Junior Account executive and others.